Developing Emotional Stability in Recovery

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Developing Emotional Stability in Recovery

Addiction can be a product of many different factors, but for many addicts the core of their substance abuse problems stem from emotional immaturity and instability. They may create a number of different excuses for themselves regarding why they drink or use drugs but in many cases it all comes down to an inability to assess and control their own emotions.

People with addictions often lack the skills to express their emotions, find constructive outlets for their feelings or maintain a level of stability that keeps them from self-medicating. Even after quitting their substance abuse they may still struggle with their emotional issues. Handling and controlling their own emotions is an essential skill for addicts to learn in recovery and it is something than can keep them sober in the future.

Self-awareness and Communication
As an addict goes through their rehab treatment and works closely with a therapist, they will gradually develop emotionally stability through learning important skills of self-managing. Self-awareness and emotional intelligence are keys to being more stable on a daily basis so that you are less affected by life’s ups and downs.

Instead of distracting themselves, self-medicating or otherwise running away from problems, addicts must learn to confront their emotions head on. Finding more constructive and effective ways to handle their feelings provides addicts with the type of emotional intelligence that can improve their relationships as well. Not only will they be able to recognize and control their own emotions but they will also be able to understand the emotions and needs of other people.

This can improve their skills of communication and create closer connections with others that can further develop their emotional stability. Healthy relationships and a higher level of self-awareness can create more balance in a person’s life so that they are not swept away by their feelings. Their new stability will keep them from turning to drugs or alcohol to improve their mental state as they would have in the past.

Recognizing Stress and Emotional States
One of the first ways that a person begins developing their emotional stability in addiction treatment is to learn to recognize stress. Some people experience stress so often that they are not even aware of how stressed out they truly are. They need to familiarize themselves with some of the symptoms of stress such as tension in the body, headaches, trouble sleeping, less energy or irritability. When they realize that they are experiencing stress early on a person can try to deal with their stress before it builds up and becomes a more powerful emotion.

Rehab treatment can help provide an addict with tools and effective techniques for dealing with their stress. They can try methods of relaxation like meditation or deep breathing, talking with others, exercising or spending time in nature to help reduce their stress. Sometimes stress can evolve into sadness, anger, frustration or other strong emotions that you have to deal with in recovery. Recognizing these emotions and finding tools to release them in a cathartic way can be one of the key elements in maintaining sobriety.

The longer that a person is sober and the more they utilize skills of emotional intelligence and stability, the less they will experience powerful emotions that affect their ability to live a positive life. Their stable state of being will create more harmony and peace in their life so that they are no longer battling the type of emotions that can cause addiction. Recovery gives people the chance to escape the rollercoaster ride of feelings that can stop them from enjoying their experiences and relationships. A stable emotional state makes everything in life much easier to accept and embrace.
