Counseling and therapy strategies in recovery can take on a variety of forms depending on a person’s unique issues that are causing their substance abuse. At Dr. Paul’s By The Sea we offer different types of therapy that will meet the individual needs of each client so that they can make a successful recovery. Our clients can trust their therapist to choose the best treatment for them based on factors affecting their health including mental illness and problems with stress. In therapy, patients can recover from their addiction by learning to understand their problems and the emotions that cause them to turn to substance abuse. Through individual, group and alternative therapy options our clients will have the chance to change their thoughts and behavior in ways that will improve their lives. Therapy allows people to learn skills to become sober while also experiencing more happiness and fulfillment by resolving personal problems.
One-on-One Therapy
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
Group Therapy
Holistic Therapy
Gestalt Therapy
- Dr. Paul's By The Sea Alumni, 2014
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