Dual Diagnosis
Addiction is only a part of the problem for people with a dual diagnosis. Their mental health issues can interfere with recovery if they do not receive help for the underlying causes of their addiction. Our treatment program offers therapists who specialize in treating specific mental illnesses and their co-existing substance abuse problem. A mental health issue can make people more vulnerable to addiction and also put them at a higher risk for relapse. Dual diagnosis treatment is necessary to treat both the symptoms of their disorder and their reliance on drugs to cope with it.
Mental Health Issues and Addiction
Physical dependence on drugs is often the result of self-medicating to escape from emotional distress. Those with mental health issues use drugs as a way to ease their symptoms but end up only complicating their situation. It is common for people to experience addiction in connection with their mental illness.
Alcoholism and Bipolar Disorder
Depression and Alcohol
Anti-Anxiety Drug Addiction
Substance Abuse and Problems with Stress
- Dr. Paul's By The Sea Alumni, 2014
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