Certified Behavioral Health Technician Training
CBHT in St. Augustine FL
At Dr. Paul's By The Sea in St. Augustine, we offer training opportunities for patients who are interested in becoming a Certified Behavioral Health Technician (CBHT). Using our training program, you will learn the responsibilities of a CBHT and the requirements needed to become certified. Learn more by contacting us today and how we can teach you everything you need to know about becoming a CBHT.
Residential Rehab
Outpatient Rehab
What is CBHT?
A Certified Behavioral Health Technician (CBHT), is a support specialist who provides care and treatment to patients living in an addiction treatment center. Like a recovery coach or addiction counselor, the address the mental or behavioral issues found in patients living with a substance use disorder (SUD). These issues could include mental instability, emotional and substance abuse, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). A BHT will assist doctors, counselors, and other addiction professionals with clinical support services. This includes acting as a residence administrator and inputting data such as insurance and medical records.
BHTs ensure that each patient encounters a positive environment where they feel safe and encouraged during their recovery. Since they will be interacting with patients, families, and other clinical staff, they must have excellent interpersonal and observational skills. Behavioral Health Technicians will usually participate and engage with patients in residential rehabs or partial hospitalization programs and community-based programs.
Responsibilities of a Certified Behavioral Health Technician
The responsibilities of a Certified Behavioral Health Technician involve recovery support, personal care, and maintaining a positive atmosphere that encourages mental health care. Other duties could include:
Treatment Plans
Patient Care
Routine Checks
Data Entry
Joint Commission Accredited
Dr. Paul By The Sea is fully credentialed and licensed in the state of Florida by the Joint Commission for the Accreditation of Healthcare Organization (JCAHO). JCAHO is unanimously considered the gold standard of addiction treatment by industry professionals. Knowing that the facility has obtained this certification should be a top priority for individuals to look at when researching to find the right inpatient or outpatient treatment facility for them.
We dedicate our facilities and treatment methods to ensuring that we provide the best available recovery options while maintaining professional levels of care. Please contact us today and hear how our caring staff of experts use their experience to implement evidence-based treatments to make sure each of our patients receives the most effective treatment regimens.
Becoming a Certified Behavioral Health Technician
The requirements for becoming a Certified Behavioral Health Technician varies for each state. However, most rehab centers will require prospective employees to have completed high school and acquire certification. This can be done through a credited online certification program.
A certification program will provide a basic understanding and overview of what students will eventually encounter. Certification is usually rated by four levels, with level one teaching the necessary skills and level four being a more advanced course. The level of training a student gets often depends on the education they receive. Level one training requires the student to have a high school diploma or GED, while level four must have a bachelor's degree. Students will learn basic psychiatric and medical practices found in a rehab program, such as group and individual counseling, case reports, and communication skills.
The core classes that are taught within the program include:
- Human Relations
- Ethical Counseling
- Therapeutic Intervention
- Case Report Writing
- Identifying and Treating Violence and Abuse
After Training
Once a Behavioral Health Technician certificate has been acquired, a person can begin looking for employment opportunities. The demand for a Certified Behavioral Health Technician is expected to rise. With the ever-growing addiction crises, rehabilitation services and addiction centers will need to expand their resources to need the rising demand for treatment.
Tricare & TriWest Insurance Accepted
Dr. Paul’s By The Sea is proud to provide service to the men and women in our military forces. We thank you and accept Tricare insurance, allowing us to provide high-quality health resources to active-duty and veteran service members.
Our rehab center near the city of Jacksonville provides substance use disorder and mental health treatments for these service members and their families.
Life After Recovery: Training Future Counselors
At Dr. Paul’s By The Sea, we offer Behavioral Health Technician training for patients who want to help others struggling with substance abuse. By participating in our training program, patients will have hands-on opportunities to learn the daily tasks and responsibilities of a BHT. Our rehab facility in St. Augustine aspires to help all patients to build a life outside of recovery. By offering training opportunities to those interested in furthering their education, we can help them maintain sobriety and build a better life.
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